Master Plans play a key role in the sustainability and growth of communities. They are used to articulate current and future infrastructure needs, lay out maintenance plans, reduce/eliminate flooding conditions, and predict economic growth. Our long-standing relationship with the Town of Snowflake has given us several opportunities to contribute maps to an assortment of master plans.
Our contributions to master plans can sometimes be as simple as creating static printed maps or as complicated as performing
hydrologic analysis.

Cartography & Mapping
Growth Plan
In 2014, the town hired a renowned planner to come out and put together an economic growth plan for the community. We worked side by side with the planner to provide visual contexts to his proposed plans.
Spatial Analysis
Water Master Plan
A back -of-the-envelope calculation was requested for understanding the spatial spread of the water demand during the month of June 2010. A “near” analysis was performed on the water geometric network and geocoded meters locations (with monthly demand). The demand was summarized by junction.

Drainage Master Plan
Below is a diagram created to explain to the Town of Snowflake’s town council how GIS was being used to contribute to the town’s drainage master plan for the Turley Subbasin in downtown Snowflake, AZ. All hydrologic and hydraulic analysis was done for planning purposes only.
Datasets were collected from the NRCS and USGS. All rainfall loss calculations were done in accordance with the latest Arizona Drainage Design Manuals using the rational method. Flow rate calculations were performed using a combination of archydro, HEC-GEOHMS, and HEC-HMS. Water surface elevations were calculated using HEC-RAS and HEC-GEORAS.